Our Team is Your Team

Do you ever get the feeling that when you call a support line….the other side doesn’t seem to know what they’re talking about….or they’ve never seen the actual product before? Well, our support team is not only the telephone support team, but they are also the on- boarding and training team as well. So they know our equipment inside and out!! We are located in Toronto, Canada with native English and French speaking technicians to help you through any issues you may have.


You Have Questions. We Have Answers.

Of course you have questions….feel free to check out these FAQ or contact us and we will be happy to answer them for you.

Nothing at all….our system is turn key. After installation and training, your staff will be ready to sell passport photos on the same day.
Telephone support in French and English is available 7 days a week at no cost to our ezPassport studio customers. The cost of our ‘red carpet’ telephone technical support line is part of your consumable purchase.
Yes. We are the only GDRP compliant passport photo solution. Your customer will be able to retrieve their digital photo from the cloud on their mobile device with an OTP.
We have over 4000 ezPassport users all over Canada and the USA….from the most populated cities to the smallest towns, and we have delivered, assembled, and trained in all of them.

Hi I’m Steve… The CEO of ezPassport!

Email: [email protected]
Direct: 416-451-8090
Office: 1-866-90PHOTO

Looking to add a high-margin, low-cost service to your business? Call 416-451-8090 or click the contact button below.

Contact Steve